
Let’s bring back Châhârshanbe Suri
Chaharshanbe Suri is a celebration of our communities, culture, and hope, dedicating to all the brave people in Iran, Afghanistan, and beyond. Our commitment to bring NYC the authentic, mesmorizing, and accessible experience will be possible thanks to donations from people like you.

Fire Jumping
At sunset, after making one or more bonfires, they jump over the flames, singing sorkhi-ye to az man, zardi-ye man az to, literally meaning "[let] your redness [be] mine, my paleness yours", or a local equivalent of it. This is considered a purification practice.
Theatrical Fire Performance
Enjoyed the theatrical fire show brought by Joules Magus, as well as her charismatic energy, innovative choreography, and commitment to safety.

Live Music & Arts
Experience the soul-stirring sounds of Amir Vahab and Daf Ensemble as they bring the authentic rhythms of Persian music to life at Chaharshanbe Suri. Let their melodies guide your leaps over the fire, symbolizing renewal and joy. Alongside live music, enjoy vibrant arts activities that celebrate tradition, creativity, and community spirit!
Poetry Reading
We will read poems by Iranian and Afghan poets to honor decades of struggle and collective resistance against institutionalized oppression in the region.

Card Reading
Discover the mysteries of your future with traditional Persian card reading at Chaharshanbe Suri. Rooted in ancient poetry, it offers insights and guidance as part of the evening’s festivities. Embrace the magic and let the cards reveal what lies ahead!

Our friends from Nansense, the best Afghanistan restaurant in nyc, will be serving Mushawa, a hearty vegetarian soup with naan, as well warm beverages for purchase during of the event.

And More To Come!
Interested in becoming one of the vendor? Send us a message here and we will get back to you!

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More Gardens Fund sits on unceded Indigenous land, specifically the homeland of the Lenape peoples. We acknowledge the genocide and continued displacement of Indigenous peoples during the colonial era and beyond. The island of Mannahatta in Lenapehoking has long been a gathering place for Indigenous people to trade and maintain kinship ties. Today, these communities continue to contribute to the life of this city and to celebrate their heritage, practice traditions, and care for the land and waterways as sacred.
We acknowledge today’s Lenape communities include Lenape people of the Delaware Nation and Delaware Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma; the Stockbridge-Munsee Community in Wisconsin; the Munsee-Delaware Nation, Moravian of the Thames First Nation, and Delaware of Six Nations in Ontario.